On first Wild Oceans FilmFest edition, 269 productions from 47 countries have been submitted to the competition
The finalists
Sockeye Salmon. Red Fish. Russian Federation, 51 min, 2020. Shpilenok Film.
My Octopus Teacher. South Africa, 85 min, 2020. Off the Fence and The Sea Change Project.
Sea of Shadows. Austria, 105 min, 2019. Terra Mater Factual Studio.
Our Oceans: A Journey of Discovery. South Africa, 90 min, 2019. Wildoceans and Off the Fence.
Documentary Short Film
Life On the Rocks. United Kingdom, 19 min, 2019. George Pretty.
Il luciaiuolo. Italy, 9 min, 2018. Joe Nappa.
Kokoly. United Kingdom, 15 min, 2019. Blue Ventures.
Surface. United States, 7 min, 2018. Roam Media.
Sandy Illusions. Netherlands, 10 min, 2019. Robert Hughan and Arthur Scheijde.
On the Edge: Lewis Pugh. Argentina, 9 min, 2020. Michael Booth.
I Am Vital. France, 6 min, 2020. Florian Ledoux.
The Manta Listener. Mexico, 7 min, 2020. Waterproff Video.
Who is Vilayta. Spain, 25 min, 2019. Germán Pinelo.
Production about preservation
Our Oceans: A Journey of Discovery. South Africa, 90 min, 2019. Wildoceans and Off the Fence.
Saving Sea Turtles: Preventing Extinction. United States, 70 min, 2017. Interchange Media Art Productions.
Sharkwater Extinction. Canada, 84 min, 2018. Sharkwater Extinction Productions Inc.
Changing Seas: “Corals in Crisis”. United States, 26 min, 2019. South Florida PBS.
Sea of Shadows. Austria, 105 min, 2019. Terra Mater Factual Studio.
About animal behavior or ecosystem description
Norway’s Magical Fjords. Germany, 52 min, 2017. Nautilusfilm.
My Octopus Teacher. South Africa, 85 min, 2020. Off the Fence and The Sea Change Project.
Whale Wisdom. Austria, 50 min, 2018. Terra Mater Factual Studios.
Ocean Predators Revealed - Hunters in Hostile Waters. France, 50 min, 2018. ZED.
Production shot in an Aquarium
Saving Sea Turtles: Preventing Extinction. United States, 70 min, 2017. Interchange Media Art Productions.
Out of Plastic. Spain, 19 min, 2018. Line Hadsbjerg.
Sea of Fertility. Republic of Singapore, 8 min, 2019. Bambby Cheuk.
Young directors
Deep Blue Connection. Austria, 5 min, 2020. Sabine M. Probst.
The Blob. United States, 9 min, 2020. Benjamin Collins.
Diving For Balance. Netherlands, 26 min, 2020. Sara Cornelissen and Steff Donkers.
Sea of Fertility. Republic of Singapore, 8 min, 2019. Bambby Cheuk.
The Evolution of the Ocean. Spain, 4 min, 2019. Rafael Fernández Caballero.